Thursday, April 26, 2012

India down graded from the S & P list

Now india has been downgraded from the S & P list . Already the indian economy is struggling and this news will break all the barriers.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ibibo Photos is being discontinued from. 30 April 2012

Ibibo Photos is going to be discontinued so we advice ibibo users to back up your photos.This message came in my inbox "Please be informed that ibibo Photos is being discontinued w.e.f. 30 April 2012"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Airtel subscribers can now go for 4G experience

Airtel has recently introduced the 4G services for the first time in india. Airtel which recently launched Airtel Money is making such innovative progress in industry. And after not so successful 3G its time for indian's to experiment with the new tecnology hope this post helps you in some way